In the News


News Articles and Updates from Nehemiah

Nehemiah Manufacturing Hosts Senator JD Vance

February 23rd, 2023 – Nehemiah hosted Senator JD Vance to review Nehemiah’s Second Chance Hiring Program to inspire change across Ohio and nationally.

Group of people posing at an event
Speaker addressing an audience at a conference

‘Not just a job, but a path to a better life’: Second chance employer Nehemiah Manufacturing expands

November 22nd, 2022 – CINCINNATI — The smell of turkey and all the Thanksgiving fixings filled the air inside the cafeteria of Nehemiah Manufacturing Tuesday — a cause for celebration as it was the first time the company has held its annual luncheon for employees since the beginning of the pandemic.

It’s also a cause for thankfulness.

“When I walked through the doors of Nehemiah, there was hope. There was opportunity,” said Michael Taylor, a 10-year employee at Nehemiah Manufacturing.

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How some Greater Cincinnati business leaders want to make capitalism work better for us all

September 1st, 2022 – Tom Williams argues capitalism in the United States needs an overhaul so it works better for everyone.

Williams is the president and CEO of North American Properties and vice chairman and one of the principal owners of the Cincinnati Reds.

He’s also a commissioner for the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, a national group that’s working to make economic systems function better for everyone.

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Cincinnati’s Red Bike Opens New Bike Share Station in Lower Price Hill

August 5th, 2022 – Cincinnati’s nonprofit bike share system just expanded its reach with the opening of a new Red Bike station in Lower Price Hill.
The station, located at Hatmaker Street and State Avenue, is Red Bike’s 63rd in Cincinnati and “represents the westernmost expansion” of the bike share network, per a release.

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Redwood to honor winners of inaugural Celebration of Abilities Awards at ‘Redwood at the Reds’ June 17

June 2nd, 2022 – Redwood, a nonprofit that serves children and adults with severe and multiple disabilities, is excited to announce the winners of the inaugural Celebration of Abilities Awards, which recognizes people and organizations that work to shatter barriers to full inclusion for individuals with disabilities.

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REDI Cincinnati Names Five Regional Companies as James A. Wuenker Growth Award Winners

CINCINNATI, OHIO – March 11, 2022 – At its annual meeting on Thursday, March 10, REDI Cincinnati recognized five local organizations with James A. Wuenker Growth Awards. Divisions Maintenance Group, Koch Foods, Megen Construction, Nehemiah Manufacturing and Protiviti – Americas Delivery Center were honored for their impact on the Cincinnati Region through investments made during the 2021 calendar year.

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Companies are finding success by finding jobs for those recently in jail

CINCINNATI – January 6, 2022 – Every year, more than a million Americans are sent to jail. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans are released from jail, having served their time. But finding a job with a criminal record remains daunting.

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Nehemiah Manufacturing was his second venture. It became his workers’ second chance

THE ENQUIRER – December 23, 2021 – A rising consumer products executive in the early 1990s, Dan Meyer decided to use his talent for a higher cause.

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Manufactures Push to Give Workers with Criminal Records a Second Chance

CNBC – May 7, 2021.At the age of 56, Franklin Comer is proudly working at his first job..Comer is approaching his one-year anniversary at Nehemiah Manufacturing in Cincinnati, after serving more than 33 years in prison for aggravated robbery and murder.

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WSJ: The Company of Second chances 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL  – June 25, 2020.While some companies try to attract and keep employees with yoga classes and lavish cafeterias, Nehemiah Manufacturing Co.’s perks include a social-service team and an attorney.

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Nehemiah Manufacturing: Second Chance Employment

Greater Ohio Policy Center – March 24, 2020.Nehemiah’s successful program revolves around providing social services and support to individuals returning from incarceration.  Nehemiah employs a full-time social service team of three and partners with a host of social service agencies in the Cincinnati area, such as Cincinnati Works, City Link Center,

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Nehemiah Manufacturing Could Bring 125 Jobs to Lower Price Hill

WCPO Cincinnati – December 5, 2016. A packaging company that espouses “profit with a purpose” could be the first company to set up shop in the city of Cincinnati’s MetroWest Commerce Park in Lower Price Hill…

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Nehemiah: A Culture with Staying Power

Nehemiah Updates – April 16, 2015. In February, Nehemiah Manufacturing was an early stop on the book tour of business consultant and author Scott Mautz.  The purpose of his visit? Celebratory. He came to distribute and sign copies of his first book, Make It Matter, and to thank Nehemiah for participating in the content….

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Nehemiah’s Meyer Building Manufacturing Company to Give Back

Cincinnati Business Courier – April 27, 2012. No one knows that better than Dan Meyer, founder and CEO of Nehemiah Manufacturing Co. The Queensgate company launched in 2009 with the goal of creating jobs for those hardest to employ: inner-city residents, low-skilled workers, people with criminal records and drug abuse histories…

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